Exklusive Angebote

Unsere Angebote sind in jeder Hinsicht etwas Besonderes. Sie wissen, was große Erlebnisse für die Seele bedeuten können. Jedes Jahr bieten unsere Hotels und Resorts einen großen Wert und eine bessere Zeit, wenn Sie sie bei uns verbringen. Schauen Sie sich die Angebote unten in dem Hotel oder Resort an, in dem Sie denken, dass Sie gerne bleiben würden.


The Cinnamon Rainforest Restoration Project

Our award-winning climate action project, conducted in collaboration with Ruk Rakaganno, John Keells Foundation, and the Forest Department of Sri Lanka, is to restore a 59-acre plot in the buffer zone around the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Sinharaja is the last remaining patch of pristine rainforest which is shrinking fast due to urbanisation and global warming.

Over the course of 3 years, we aim to scientifically study the 59-acre plot, and protect it from illegal logging, poaching, and unsustainable agricultural practices. We will reforest more than 25,000 native flora bringing back what has been lost and ensuring a creation of a sanctuary for insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and a host of other endemic, endangered and threatened species.

Our guests have the extraordinary opportunity to join us on this journey, visiting our site within the buffer zone and experiencing firsthand the beauty of one of the last remaining wetland rainforests on the island.


Implementing the First Ocean Temperature Loggers

The plight of our planet's oceans is dire: melting polar ice caps, escalating greenhouse gas emissions, erratic weather patterns, and rising sea levels. We know that the need of the hour is now. One glaring issue we've identified is the lack of comprehensive ocean data, hampering scientific analysis of deep-sea fluctuations. In response, we've deployed data loggers capable of tracking temperature, conductivity, and salinity at varying ocean depths surrounding our Cinnamon Maldives Resorts – the first of its kind in the Maldives.

Our initiative began with a baseline biodiversity assessment, focusing on marine life and GIS mapping to chart ecological landscapes. This enabled us to pinpoint biological assets and distinctive features in the area. Subsequently, we installed 16 Ocean Temperature Loggers at different depths. We're now collaborating with the Maldivian authorities to share this data, aiding in the monitoring and understanding of Indian Ocean fluctuations.


Life Saving Data Gathering at The Elephant Gathering

Each year, a majestic event unfolds as elephant herds from Minneriya and Kaudulla National Parks in Sri Lanka converge at the Minneriya Reservoir to socialise, frolic, and graze on freshly sprouted grass. Recognised as one of nature's grand spectacles and the largest congregation of Asian Elephants, this gathering reaches its peak from July to October.

In 2016, the Cinnamon Nature Trails Elephant Gathering Project commenced in partnership with the Centre for Conservation and Research, aiming to address human-elephant conflicts. This initiative combines elephant tourism with crucial research on their behaviour, demographics, and health through data collection. Notably, we've successfully fitted two elephants in the Habarana region with satellite radio collars, with data analysis led by an esteemed elephant scientist.


Impactful Coral Propagation in the Maldives

Coral propagation is a cornerstone of our conservation efforts, with each resort undertaking initiatives to preserve and replenish these vital ecosystems.

At Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives, we've teamed up with the Meridis Dive & Relax Team to transplant corals, safeguard marine biodiversity, and raise awareness about coral conservation. This project evaluates reef health and water quality, devises restoration plans, plants corals, and monitors progress meticulously.

Meanwhile, Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon has deployed over 100 artificial reef cubes to enhance fish populations and promote algae and coral growth. Crafted from a special mix of concrete and recycled crushed glass, these cubes offer a sustainable solution to potential waste. Coral polyps are carefully affixed to the cubes before submersion.

Our endeavours have yielded tangible results: restored marine ecosystems, enriched biodiversity, heightened carbon sequestration, and a steadfast commitment to the long-term sustainability of our oceans.


The Whales of Project Wild Blu

Project Wild Blu has been a passion project of ours since its inception in 2013, dedicated to understanding the populations of whales off the coast of the Trincomalee sea in Sri Lanka. Our team of ecologists at Cinnamon Nature Trails noticed a remarkable abundance of Sperm Whales during our sea excursions, prompting a deeper exploration into the world of cetaceans. Focusing particularly on the enchanting Blue Whales and the captivating Super Pods of Sperm Whales, this initiative has been at the forefront of our efforts, allowing us to study these magnificent creatures with awe and reverence.

Our records have revealed a remarkable surge in the numbers of Sperm whales, now recognised as the Super Pods of Sperm Whales. This data serves a dual purpose: not only does it enrich the quality of whale-watching experiences, but it also forms the foundation for impactful public awareness programmes. Since the inception of this project, the Cinnamon family has expanded to include a dedicated crew of community boat operators, trained as responsible whale watchers by leading scientists.